
Website Design

Digital Media

Writing Examples

Welcome to my portfolio
(Currently not finished)
This page is constantly under construction as I do more work for different clients and get permission on work from prior clients on what I may showcase here. Please e-mail me if there is anything in particular that you may be looking for. I have PowerPoints, Marketing Slicks, 508 Compliant Publications, Videos, Blog Writing Examples, and much more.
More currently under development.

Website Template
Created this as an example of my work.

MEMories of susan
Memorial site where guests could
add photos and memories via a form.
Writing Examples
More Available Via Request
Technical Blog Example
Payment Gateways for eGovernment and Ecommerce In the 21st century, easy payments have become a critical and expected part of the digital customer experience, because today’s consumers are now accustomed to buying products and services quickly and easily online. The...
Leadership Blog Example 2
Practice Vulnerability It’s been two years since WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. We’ve been slowly working our way back towards a consistent battle rhythm, but with new variants and now the events happening in Europe it’s proving to be a challenging few years. It’s...
Leadership Blog Example
It’s easy sometimes to get caught up in our own flow while speaking. We just keep going and dominate a conversation, leaving little room for others to provide their inputs or engage in the conversation. In doing so, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn. The...
Misc. Items
Currently available via request only. These include videos I’ve edited, sketches, photos, and more.